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UAV Tools and Information

UAV Specific Articles and Guides

  • senseFly Conformity Documents

    The attached conformity documents can be used by our customers.  Customers must provide their signature, serial number. The documents are for the eBee, eBee Plus and albris...

  • Pix4D Knowledge Base

    Pix4D has a thorough knowledge base for various Pix4DMapper How-To’s.   They provide a very detailed and informative step by step instruction for functionalities and features of the software.   Please...

  • PixD4Dmapper (Pro vs Discovery)

    Which is the difference between Pix4Dmapper Pro and Pix4Dmapper Discovery? There are the following differences between Pix4Dmapper Pro and Pix4Dmapper Discovery:   Pix4Dmapper Discovery Pix4Dmapper Pr...

  • senseFly Battery Care and Safety

    The following is a guide outlining the proper care and safety of senseFly eBee batteries:...

  • eBee RTK setup with a iCON 60

    The following is a quick-guide to on setting up the eBee RTK with ICON 60 receiver....

  • eBee RTK with a Leica GX1230 Base

    The following is a quick-guide on setting up a GX1230 base with an eBee RTK:...

  • Custom Route/Corridor Mapping mission

    This is a quick guide on planning a custom route mission for corridor/pipeline/row mapping for the eBee/eBee RTK....